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Find discreet, prompt treatment for symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In-person and online STD treatment is available from caring providers on Klarity Health. Whether for genital herpes, the common cold sore, or a bacterial infection, get care at an affordable cost with no hidden fees. Free consultations avaliable.*
Providers on Klarity Health are independent practitioners with clinical autonomy; a diagnosis, treatment, or prescription is not guaranteed.
Providers on Klarity Health are independent practitioners with clinical autonomy; a diagnosis, treatment, or prescription is not guaranteed.
Find a licensed, caring STD specialist on Klarity Health. Choose from top-rated licensed providers for an initial online STD consultation, ongoing support, and unlimited messaging.
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You’re unique. And your needs are too. You deserve online STD treatment from a provider committed to you. That’s why you can find a licensed STD specialist on Klarity Health and access:
with a licensed, board-certified healthcare professional
or in-person through treatment tailored to you
from diagnosis to successful treatment and follow-up
Your provider will discuss treatment options with you, which may or may not include medication.
There are more than 30 known STDs. They pose a risk to public health — and to you. STDs are transmitted through sexual contact, leading to unwanted symptoms and potential reproductive consequences. While most are treatable, sexually transmitted infections result in 2.5 million deaths each year.
Common STDs include:
While not a sexually transmitted disease, sexual activity can increase the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infections (UTIs) too.
STD symptoms can include genital and extragenital manifestations. These symptoms can be grouped into 2 main categories: discharge or dysuria (pain or discomfort when urinating) and ulcerative lesions (sores).
Discharge or dysuria symptoms
Discharge refers to fluid that comes out of the body, often from the vagina or penis. The fluid can vary in color and consistency.
Dysuria describes pain or discomfort experienced during urination, which can manifest as a burning sensation or general pain near your urethra.
Conditions like chlamydia and gonorrhea can present with symptoms, such as abnormal genital discharge, pain or burning during urination, and discomfort in the genital area.
Ulcerative lesion symptoms
Ulcerative lesions refer to sores or open wounds on the skin or mucous membranes of the body. These lesions can be painful, and itchy, and sometimes go undetected.
Herpes viruses and syphilis often present with ulcerative lesions or sores in the genital area.
If your online STD doctor or healthcare provider suspects an STD, they’ll begin by taking a detailed health history, including asking about any symptoms you currently have and about your sexual history and activity.
Your provider may also do a physical examination to check for any visible signs of infection. To confirm the diagnosis, your healthcare provider may also order laboratory tests. These tests may include blood tests, urine tests, or swabs taken from your genital area to identify potential bacterial infections.
If a diagnosis is confirmed, your provider will guide you through treatment options.
Different STDs have distinct treatment approaches based on their nature and severity. Your specific STD treatment will depend on the infection you’re diagnosed with.
STDs are classified into 2 main categories: curable and treatable.
Curable STIs include gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and trichomonas. These conditions can be effectively treated with appropriate medications, and treatment typically leads to a complete recovery.
Treatable STDs, such as herpes, HPV, and HIV, can be effectively managed with medication. While these infections can’t be completely eradicated from the body, treatments are available to manage their symptoms and control the progression of the infection.
To treat STD infections, healthcare providers commonly prescribe STD medication that may include antibiotics, antivirals, and antiparasitics.
Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics like amoxicillin, azithromycin, or doxycycline. These medications target the bacteria responsible for the infection, helping the body fight off the chlamydia bacteria and clear the infection.
For HSV, antiviral medications like acyclovir, docosanol, famciclovir, or valacyclovir are often prescribed.
Providers on Klarity Health are licensed, board-certified, and offer a personalized approach to your unique online STD treatment needs. See detailed profiles for each provider and find an approach that’s best for you. (Costs for treatment options may vary.)
Treating your STD symptoms starts with an initial consultation. Your provider will work with you to recommend the right approach for you and that may or may not include lab work, prescription medication, and/or therapy.
Your initial STD treatment consultation is just the beginning. You and your provider will follow up to make sure you’re doing okay and are reaching your goals. You stay on track with ongoing support from your provider(s) and medication refills if needed.
If you have questions or need assistance, the friendly Klarity Health Patient Support team is there to help. Along with your provider, they’re committed to making sure you have the best care and support throughout treatment.
Read testimonials from real patients who received treatment from healthcare providers on Klarity Health.
*Appointments are generally available within 24 hours. Free initial consultations are available only with select providers. Prescriptions, particularly for controlled substances, may require an in-person evaluation depending on the state of residence and current federal regulations.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you have regarding your health. Providers on Klarity Health are independent practitioners with clinical autonomy. Nothing in this article is intended to diagnose or treat any condition, including guaranteeing prescription medication of any kind or dosage. Not all providers on Klarity Health prescribe all medications, particularly medications that are controlled substances.
If you’re having a mental health crisis or experiencing a psychiatric emergency, it’s crucial to seek immediate help from a mental healthcare professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist. You can also call your local emergency services, visit your nearest emergency room, or contact a crisis hotline, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, by calling or texting 988 or dialing the Lifeline’s previous phone number, 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) in the U.S.